Monthly Archives: March 2013

The Rebel’s April Paleo challenge starts April 1st (not April fools joke). This challenge is an individual challenge but creating a support system with friends, family etc… will keep you accountable and successful. This challenge is a way to better health and performance for a longer, happier life. You must consider new habits, routines, and time management to help this new lifestyle become easier. You might have to overcome temptations while you’re “on the go,” with friends, attending a wedding, birthday party, on vacation, or in your own home. There are no exceptions. This Paleo challenge is 30 days and 20$ per person to participate.  The more people who participate the larger the prize. How to prepare? Take before and after photo’s, use your own camera here and wearing a bathing suit is best.  If you are comfortable with the photo’s please share. Take measurements, Chest, waist, thigh again in…

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Here is an interesting info graphic about the top athletes from 2012 CrossFit open.

Competition group Work up the following ladder for 7 minutes 3 C&J 135/115/95 3 T2B 6 C&J 135/115/95 6 T2B 9 C&J 135/115/95 9 T2B ….and so on Level 2 Strength 3 sets DB thrusters x 6 Single leg bridge hold x 30 seconds For time 30 wall balls 20/14 30 KB swings 24/16 400 m run 30 pull ups (15 for ladies) 30 box jumps 24/20 Level 1 Strength 3 sets DB thrusters x 6 Single leg bridge hold x 30 seconds For time 30 wall balls 14/10 30 KB swings 16/12 400 m run 15 banded pull ups 30 step ups 24/20

Competition group “Rest day” Mobilize and practice some skills All levels Strength 5 sets Front Squats 3-6 reps Spend 60-90 seconds on mobility between sets Conditioning 2 rounds for calories 60 seconds on airdyne 60 seconds rest 60 seconds on rower 60 seconds of rest 60 seconds on ski erg
