Monthly Archives: September 2013

Fitness 2 sets Sand bag clean x 12 One arm DB row x 6-8 (AHAP) Bar hang in hollow hold x 30 seconds Teams complete the following for time: 3000 m row 250 m farmer walk Teams of 2 is preferred, but teams of 3 okay, 2 athletes can work at the same time Team decides how to break up distance I length from gym to barrier and back = 50 m Performance 15 minutes building up to today’s 3 T&G Power clean 5 rounds for time 5 power cleans 10 box jumps set #1-2 @60%, #3-4 @70%, #5 @80% (athlete adds weight to bar) Sport 15 minutes building up to today’s 3 T&G Power clean 5 rounds for time 5 power cleans 10 box jumps 24″/20″ set #1-2 @135, #3-4 @165, #5 @185 (athlete adds weight to bar)

Fitness 15 minutes working snatch technique 15 minutes working clean and jerk technique 15 minutes working up to a heavy back squat Sport and Performance Snatch Heavy single Clean and Jerk Heavy single High Bar Back Squat Heavy single Only perfect form will count for max, full depth on all movements, no pressing out.

All levels Tabata x 2 4 point plank holds 3 sets of complex: RDL x 6 Front squats x 6 Push press x 6 Good mornings x 6 Rest as needed between each set Teams of 2, alternating complete rounds 3 rounds each 250 m row 100 m farmer walk 24kg/20kg (Sub Russian step ups x 10 each leg if raining) 50 DU

Fitness 3 sets 3 Negative pull ups Max reps ring rows 10 hollow rocks Rest 2 minutes between sets 4 sets (NFT) 10 KB swings 400 m row 250 m light walk Use the walking time to lower your heart rate and develop mental presence. Your working pace should be a steady state between 70-80% effort. Rowing 22-26 SPM Sport and Performance 3 sets Weighted strict pull ups 5-5-5 Max reps BW pull ups (kipping okay) Rest 2 minutes between sets Then… Max reps T2B unbroken x 1 3 rounds (NFT) Tire flips 50 feet 20 KB swings 24/16 Rack position walk 50 feet Work on speed while lifting the tire, keep effort between 70-80%. This can be individual or partners…have fun with it 🙂 Olympic Lifting Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3-3 @60-90% of snatch Snatch + OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 @80% of snatch
