Monthly Archives: October 2013

Fitness 4 sets One arm/one leg shoulder press x 6 each Rest 60 seconds Sand bag DL x 12 Rest 60 seconds 4 minute AMRAP 7 KB swings 7 Burpees Rest 1 minute 4 minute AMRAP 40 skip rope 12 ab mat sit ups Rest 1 minute 4 minute AMRAP 10 step ups with sand bag 12 SDHP w/KB Performance Push press 3-3-3-3-3 4 minute AMRAP 7 KB swings 7 Burpees Rest 1 minute 4 minute AMRAP 25 DU 12 T2B Rest 1 minute 4 minute AMRAP 10 step ups with sand bag 12 SDHP w/KB Sport Olympic Total 3 attempts @ 1 RM Snatch 1 RM Clean and Jerk

 Fitness 4 sets One arm DB Row x 8-10 each arm (AHAP) TRX Pistol squats x 3-5 each leg Flutter kicks x 20 6 sets 30 sec row 60 sec rest This is a max effort, record total meters Performance Weighted pull ups 3-3-3 Rest 90 seconds between each set Max reps BW strict pull ups x 2 Rest 90 seconds between each set Max reps K2E x 2 Rest 60 sec between sets 6 sets 30 sec row 60 sec rest This is a max effort, record total meters   Sport 20 HSPU negatives ASAP with full range of motion 5 sets 7 Burpees + 1 length sled push 200/150 Rest 2 minutes between sets Then… 4 sets 7 CTB pull ups unbroken + 20 sec Airdyne sprint Rest 2 minutes between sets

Fitness 3 sets Deep Squat hold (hands behind head) x 30 seconds Pull up (negatives) x 3 Plank hold x 45 seconds 10 minute AMRAP 2 push ups + 10 weighted lunges 4 push ups + 15 weighted lunges 6 push ups + 20 weighted lunges 8 push ups + 25 weighted lunges 10 push ups + 30 weighted lunges etc… Performance 10-15 minutes working on: T2B practice & Clean and jerk T&G 7 minute AMRAP 3-6-9-12 etc… Clean and Jerk 135#/95# T2B Sport Preparation for the upcoming Olympic Total

All levels 5 minutes of Rowing for Calories 1 minute Rest 4 minutes of Wall balls 1 minute Rest 3 minutes of Sit ups 1 minute Rest 2 minutes of KB swings 1 minute of Rest 1 minute of Burpees  
