Monthly Archives: December 2013

Fitness “Times square” For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Calories rowing Air squats Single unders  Performance “Times square” For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Calories rowing Air squats Double unders Sport “New years count down” 5 rounds for time 3 HSPU 6 DB hang squat cleans 12 Pull ups 24 DU

Fitness EMOM x 20 Even minutes DB push press x 6-8 Odd minutes x 30 seconds of rowing (cals)| Score is heaviest weight of DB and total calories on rower 3 sets: V sit ups x 8-12 Rest 60 seconds TRX or Ring rows x 8-12 Rest 60 seconds Focus on feet and hands moving in unison for V ups Ring rows should be slow controlled on the negative and quick on the positive Performance and Sport EMOM x 20 Even minutes BB Bench press x 3-5 Odd minutes unbroken DU x 45 seconds Score is heaviest load on bench and total # of unbroken DU 3 sets: GHD sit ups x 15 Rest 60 seconds Accumulate 30 seconds of HS hold Rest 60 seconds

Resolutions you say? The New Year’s resolution is a phenomenon that seems to give most people a green light for excess and indulgence over the holiday season.  The beers before noon, the extra dessert and that extra plate of turkey dinner is all validated with the idea that January 1st will be a new change, a new person and new habits.  The internal dialogue and lying to ourselves does nothing for our long term development.  Every day we have a multitude choices to make; grande? – no foam? – skinny? – extra hot? “don’t get me started”.   The choices in question here are: Are we living today increasing our health and wellness? Are we living today decreasing our health and wellness? No one is perfect and living life always increasing your health and wellness in not realistic…but making a prolonged decisions (2 week vacation) can seriously tip your fitness…

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All levels For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Wall balls KB swings Box jumps Repeat from 3 months ago, review your results and use this as a “tester”.
