Monthly Archives: May 2014

All levels Teams of 2, alternating full sets 4 rounds for time: 250 m row 10 alternating DB snatch 15 box jumps 50 m sandbag front rack carry  

Fitness 3 sets: DB walking lunges x 20 TRX/Ring rows x 5-8 (challenging angle) Band reverse fly’s x (W-T-Y) 6’s 4 rounds for reps: 30 seconds SU 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Rope waves 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds KB swings 30 seconds Rest Performance 3 sets: DB waiter lunges x 20 (10 L – 10 R) Strict weighted pull up x 3 Band reverse fly’s x (W-T-Y) 6’s 4 rounds for reps: 30 seconds DU 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds Rope waves 30 seconds Rest 30 seconds KB swings 24/16 30 seconds Rest Sport Rest Day

Fitness 3 sets: DB shoulder press x 10-12 One arm DB Row x 6-8 60 seconds DU practice 5 rounds 10 push ups 20 mt. climbers 30 sit ups Performance Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 5 rounds 10 pull ups 20 push ups 30 sit ups Sport EMOM x 12 Snatch minutes 1-4 = 3 reps @60-70% minutes 5-8 = 2 reps @70-80% minutes 9-12 = 1 rep @80-90% Goal is consistency, no misses 3 rounds for time: 20 DB Snatch 50/40 10 M HS walk 10 Pistols 1 MU 10 M HS walk  

Fitness 10 minutes: Dead lift technique Performance Build to a heavy 5 Dead lift Sport Deadlifts 5 x 5 @80% All levels “Repeated power output test” Set the damper 2-3 higher than your normal set up 6 rowing intervals: 60 seconds row watts @BW then… 8 pulls x max effort Rest 2 minutes Record last pull on each set then add together and divide by your body weight. Example: Man weighing 200# 6 sets added together = 2,790 watts 2,790 watts divide by 200 # = 13.95 Technique notes: “70% ish of your power output is coming straight from the legs on the drive. As soon as the drive ends, your watts are going to go down because you’ve disengaged the larger power-producing muscles. This is one of the reasons why feeling the suspension on the handle is so important. Opening the back too early will decrease your watts, as…

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