Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fitness and Performance 4 x 20 handstand hamstring stretch (toes on box) 3 x banded reverse fly’s (W-T-Y) x 18’s 3 x 20 bar monkey hang with scapular contraction 5 sets of complex: In 90 seconds complete the following bench press + AMRAP Pullups Rest 2 minutes Bench press = 10-10-8-8-6 Sport 15 minutes: MU drills and skills Options will be given during class 7 sets: Clean + FS +100′ sled push 150# Compare to April 11 2014

Fitness and Performance MOB: 4 x 20 seconds Box shoulder stretch 3 x 30 seconds ankle mobility 3 x 30 seconds hamstring release 3 sets: 20 seconds supine hollow hold 20 seconds superman hold 60 seconds speed ball work 60 seconds rest 8 minute AMRAP DU 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-etc.. + 100′ Farmer carry

Fitness and Performance 20 minute AMRAP 5 push up 10 TRX ring rows 15 sit ups 20 walking lunges Sport 10 minutes Light rowing working on pacing and creating goal split Hip and ankle mobility 5 x 500 m row Rest 2 minutes Decrease your rest period by 15 seconds each set, goal is to keep your split as close as possible

Fitness and Performance 4 sets: DB Push press x 6-8 Bent over DB reverse fly’s x 10-12 Plank hold x 45 seconds 5-5-5-5-5 Front Squats Sport 5 sets of complex: Clean pull + Clean (above knee) + Split jerk +Back Squat + BTN jerk 5 sets: 5 front squats (reverse bands)  
