Monthly Archives: November 2014

Hey guys and gals, Here is the schedule for tomorrow’s event: WOD 1 “Animal Crackers” Heat 1: 9:00 am Heat 2: 9:12 am Heat 3: 9:24 am WOD 2 “Glut Grinder” Heat 1: 10:00 am Heat 2: 10:15 am Heat 3: 10:30 am WOD 3 “Triple Mash Up” Heat 1: 11:00 am Heat 2: 11:20 am Heat 3: 11:40 am 12 Noon – 1 pm = LUNCH TIME 1 pm = TOP THREE TEAMS ANNOUNCED 1:05 pm = FINAL WOD ANNOUNCED WOD 4 “Fast and Dirty” Top 3 teams go head-to-head @1:30 pm 2 pm wrap up and prizes 2:15 + socialize and enjoy some adult beverages.

Today Diesel will be participating in the Master’s only event at CrossFit BC in West Van. Make sure to pop in and show your support. The event starts at 12:00 noon. If you are posting to Instagram, Twitter and FB make sure to use our #RebelSquamishCrossFitter Fitness and Performance 3 RFR: 60 sec Airdyne 60 sec Row 60 sec Ski Erg 60 sec DU 60 sec sled push (low-high) 60 sec Rest Sport 15 minutes Build up to a heavy 3 RM Front Squat 2RFT 10 Front Squats @BW (no rack) 10 Burpee MU

Fitness 30 minute AMRAP Recovery pace and effort, No score for this one! 400 m row @2K + pace 30 seconds goblet squat hold 8 back bend 6 shin box 4 kick through  Performance and Sport 30 minute AMRAP Recovery pace and effort, No score for this one! 400 m row @2K + pace 6 pistols 8 GHD hip extensions 4 down dog to hip opener 1 MU progression at your level  

Fitness and Performance 10 minutes MOB: Prayer stretch Lat. rolling T spine rolling Pec rolling 3-3-3 Strict Press 2-2-2 Push press 1-1-1 Push jerk EMOM x 12 Min 1 = 5 – 8 strict pull ups Min 2 = Hollow hold 20-30 sec Min 3 = 8 – 12 Box jump – step down Sport For time: 100′ HS walk 50 calorie row 75′ HS walk 40 calorie row 50′ HS walk 30 calorie row 25′ HS walk 20 calorie row
