Monthly Archives: June 2015

WOD NOTES: With Canada falling mid week we have some adjustments to this week programming. And option one is a little programming piece from Zac. Option 1 = Not training on Canada Day! 5 RFR 40 sec Wall ball 20 sec rest 40 sec Rowing cals 20 sec rest 40 sec Skipping rope 20 sec rest 40 sec Ring support or Plank 20 sec rest Option 2 = Coming to train on Canada! 2000 m row working proper slide, keeping SPM 22-26 @easy pace 30 TGU 15 minutes of individual mobility practice    

WOD NOTES: Take your time building up to a heavy dead lift, monitor your position and maintain posture throughout each lift. Fitness 20 minutes: Build up to a heavy 3 Dead lift 8 minute AMRAP 8 DB Push press 8 step ups 8 V sits Performance and Sport Complex Snatch Grip Dead lifts 3-3-3-3-3 + Hurdle jump 3-3-3-3-3 8 minute AMRAP 5 Push press 115/75 (no rack) 10 T2B 15 Box jumps 24/20 (step down)

WOD NOTES: The workout will be performed in an alternating pattern until 10 sets are completed. Example = Athlete one completes 10 burpees, Athlete two completes 15 wall balls Athlete one completes 250 m row Athlete two completes 10 burpees and so on… Teams of 2, complete 10 sets 10 burpees 15 wall balls 250 m row

Fitness 4 sets Weighted walking lunges x 20 steps Hollow body hold x 20 sec Skipping rope practice x 30 sec Rowing Wattage test: 6 sets: 60 seconds rowing BW watts Then… 8 hard pulls Record last pull on each set, then divide by your BW for a score Sport and Performance 5 sets of complex Power clean + Front squat + Full C&J Hold split x 5 seconds Rowing Wattage test: 6 sets: 60 seconds rowing BW watts Then… 8 hard pulls Record last pull on each set, then divide by your BW for a score
