Monthly Archives: September 2015

WOD NOTES: Some strength work and quick intervals. If you are maxing out tomorrow? Perform the strength spend the rest of class on some hip mobility and chill out. If you not attending or maxing out tomorrow? Hit it hard today. The Airdyne/WB work is gonna BURN!!! Fitness and Performance 4 sets: Incline DB Chest press x 10-12 reps Strict ring pull ups x 3-5 reps Biceps curls x 10-12 reps 4 rounds for max reps 20 seconds Airdyne 40 seconds Wall balls 3 minutes Rest Sport Rest Day

WOD NOTES: Thursday we re-test the back squat. Our training volume will drop dramatically this week. Stay focused on your squat mobility, eat and sleep well. Fitness Push press 5 x 5 4 sets: Goblet squats x 12 reps One arm DB Rows x 10 reps Hollow rocks x 10 reps Rest 60-90 seconds between movements Performance Push press 5 x 5 Back Squats 3 x 1 @95% Sport 20 minutes Working 3 position Snatch (above knee, below knee, floor) Keep it light and fast, technical day Jerk Balance 5 x 3 @50-60% HBBS 3 x 1 @95%

WOD NOTES: Today’s effort will put each class up against the last for a top distance. All members will cycle intervals on the ski erg. Changing as many times as needed to keep the intensity high. Minimum pull for each athlete = 200 m All levels 30 minute AMMAP Ski erg relay

Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, alternating work as needed 4 RFT 500 m row 40 DU 30 Wall balls 20 Sit ups 1o Push ups Sport Clean and Jerk 5 x 1 @90% Front Squats 5 x 2 @85% BTN Push press 5 x 3 AHAP 3 sets for reps 20 seconds max cals Airdyne 40 seconds max T2B 60 seconds Rest Score = total reps + cals
