Monthly Archives: January 2016

WOD NOTES: Interval work today. Fitness and Performance 4 sets for reps 60 seconds DU 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds Wall balls 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds Rowing Calories 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds Plank 30 seconds Rest Sport Dynamic prep Chest opener x 60 seconds Quadraped open book x 6 each side Dowel pass thru x 10 Empty bar warm up of the following complex 7 sets of complex: Snatch + Snatch balance + OHS Work up to heavy set 5 x 3 BTN Jerks 15.3 Repeat 14 minute AMRAP 7 MU 50 wall balls 20/14 100 DU

WOD NOTES: A straight forward strength day. The squats will be performed with a specific tempo. If this tempo cannot be maintained = the load is too heavy for you. All Levels Dynamic prep: 2 sets Band hip flexor release x 60 sec each Goblet squats x 10 reps Indian club circles x 10 each arm 20 minutes Find 8 RM Back Squat (31X2) 4 sets Bulgarian split squats x 8 each Bat wing DB Row x 6 (hold for 5) Hanging knee raises x 10 or Tuck to lower x 6 (4 sec negative)  

WOD NOTES: Some straight forward “grunt work” today. Between sets while resting make sure to keep moving and stay limber. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep: 2 sets Partner shoulder opener x 30 seconds Cossack squats x 10 reps Seal walk x 10 – 15 steps 5 sets 3 minute clock 400 m row 30 DU AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes Sport Dynamic prep 2-3 sets Partner shoulder opener x 30 seconds Triceps smash x 30 seconds each Prayer stretch x 30 seconds 5 x 3 Jerk drive 70-85% Split Jerks 80-85-90% x 3 waves 20 minutes HBBS Work up to a heavy single 12 minute AMRAP 60 calorie row 50 wall balls 20/14 40 T2B 30 Pistols 20 MU

WOD NOTES: Some strict gymnastics work and kettle bell practice. Followed by a quick burner. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep: 2-3 sets Indian club circles x 10 each “The perfect” air squat x 10 reps Scapular push ups x 6 reps 4 sets Pull ups negatives x 3-5 reps KB Clean and press 1+5 each arm Hollow hold x 20-30 seconds Rest 60-90 seconds between exercises 8 minute AMRAP 20 wall balls 30 kb swings 50 DU
