Monthly Archives: March 2016

WOD NOTES This will test your abdominal endurance. Make sure to break up the reps as needed and go hard on the rower. FitnessĀ  Dynamic prep Supine biceps opener x 5/5/5/5 Mace 360’s x 6 Band perfect stretch x 30 sec 5 RFT 30 Ab mat sit ups 25/20 calorie row 20 Wall balls Performance Dynamic prep Supine biceps opener x 5/5/5/5 Mace 360’s x 6 Band perfect stretch x 30 sec 5 RFT 12 T2B 30/25 calorie row 20 Wall balls 20/14 Sport 5 sets Panda Pull + Hang Clean 5 sets 2 Push press + 1 Jerk 15 minutes Build up to 1 RM OHS 8 minute AMRAP 30 Calorie Row 30 T2B 30 OHS 95/65

WOD NOTES: Simple straight forward “grunt work” Push hard today. Fitness and Performance Dynamic prep Band frogger pulses x 10 reps Band hip thrust x 10 reps 3 position calf raises x 6’s 5-8 minutes Empty sled sprints Shuttle runs 4 sets 1 minute Max Calories Assault Bike 2 minutes Rest 1 minute Max Meters Sled Push @200/150 2 minutes Rest

WOD NOTES Intervals session. Fitness and Performance 6000 m row with a partner Alternating as needed Sport Dynamic prep Band frogger pulses x 10 Mace 360’s x 6’s Single arm/single leg KB DL x 12 Triceps opener x 5/5/5/5 4 sets Segment Snatch (3 sec pause at knee) Front Squats Work up to heavy triple (5 seconds eccentric – no bounce) 15 minutes Work up to heavy BTN jerk single 8 minute AMRAP 200 feet OH sand bag carry 200 feet sled drag 200/150

WOD NOTES Race the clock day. If you complete the reps before 5 minutes use the time for rest. If you cannot complete the reps in time? Then record the total number completed for future efforts. Fitness Dynamic prep Boot straps x 6 Indian club circles x 12’s Scapular push ups x 12 With a running clock 0-5:00 = 1000 m row 5:01 – 10:00 = 30 Strict Pull ups 10:01 – 15:00 = 50 Push ups 15:01 – 20:00 = 100 Air Squats 20:01 – to finish = 800 m run or 1 mile Assault Sport 6 sets Deficit Snatch triples Block Jerks 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 100 calorie Assault bike @65%  
