Monthly Archives: April 2016

WOD NOTES Quad burner…. Fitness and Performance For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Wall balls 20/14 Rowing Calories Sport Segment Snatch @knee + OHS 1+1 AHAP Then… 2 back off sets @90-85% Segment Clean @knee + Jerk drive + Jerk 1+3+1 AHAP Then…. 2 back off sets @90-85% Front Squats Build up to 3 RM Then…. 2 back off sets @95-90%

WOD NOTES: Working on developing powerful hips. The Russian or “hard” swing is essential for power development. Step out of you comfort zone today and try a new KB colour. Fitness Russian Swing 10-8-8-5-5 + Sled push x 2 lengths* *increasing load on sled 8 minute AMRAP 10 KB Swings Right arm farmer carry 100′ 12 V sits 10 KB Swings Left arm farmer carry 100′ 12 V sits Performance and Sport Clean + Hang clean 1-1-1-1-1 Running box jump 1-1-1-1-1 8 minute AMRAP 5 Sand bag Clean and jerks 100/80 Sled push x 2 lengths 150/100

WOD NOTES Rowing practice today. Increasing intensity as the pieces decrease. Fitness 80 Cal Row @22-24 60 Cal Row @24-28 40 Cal Row @26-30 20 Cal Row @ME Rest 1:1 Performance 100 Cal Row @22-24 75 Cal Row @24-28 50 Cal Row @26-30 25 Cal Row @ME Rest 1:1 Sport Dynamic prep Mace 360’s x 6 each Band pull aparts x 12 Chest opener x 45 sec Empty bar Push press + Split Jerk + 3 Strict press (in split stance) Jerk Balance 3 x 3 20 minutes work up to 1 RM Split Jerk HBBS 5 RM (with 3 sec pause at bottom) 4 sets GHD hip extensions x 12 Landmine BB Row x 12 DB Oblique crunch x 15 each

WOD NOTES Keep it smooth and maintain calm breathing patterns. The workout starts with 10 wall balls and then interrupted with 10 wall balls every 2 minutes. Fitness  Dynamic prep Russian baby maker x 6 Scapular push ups x 8 Indian club circles x 12 10 minute AMRAP 1 Burpee + 10 SU 2 Burpee + 20 SU 3 Burpee + 30 SU Every 2 minutes = 10 Wall balls Core finisher 5 sets 10 Hollow rocks 10 Supermans Performance Dynamic prep Russian baby maker x 6 Scapular push ups x 8 Indian club circles x 12 10 minute AMRAP 1 Burpee + 10 DU 2 Burpee + 20 DU 3 Burpee + 30 DU Every 2 minutes = 10 Wall balls 20/14 Core finisher 5 sets 10 Hollow rocks 10 Supermans  
