Monthly Archives: May 2016

WOD NOTES Interval training today. You can partner up and use a buddy to alternate working and rest instead of resting the 1:1. Fitness 3 sets Jefferson curl x 3 reps Hollow hold x 20 seconds Plank (alternating leg lifts) x 6 reps  6 sets for time 250 m row 30 Single unders Rest 1:1  Performance 3 sets Jefferson curl x 3 reps Hollow rock x 12 reps Plank (alternating leg lifts) x 6 reps  6 sets for time 250 m ski 30 DU Rest 1:1 Sport Dynamic prep Prayer stretch x 45 sec Russian baby maker x 45 sec Indian club circles x 20 reps Snatch doubles Up to 75% Snatch singles 80-85-88-90% If everything is feeling awesome? Go for a heavy single. 5 sets Tall jerks Work on speed and hold lock out for 3 seconds Jerk 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 1 & 1/4 HBBS 4 x 3 Moderate loading, positional…

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WOD NOTES The goal for today’s workout is to complete 7 sets within the rep scheme. If you cannot complete a set? Then sit out for 1-3 minutes and jump back in when you have regained muscular energy. Record the number of sets completed today. Fitness Dynamic prep x 2-3 sets Indian club circles x 20 each Russian baby maker x 30 sec Band reverse fly x 15 EMOM x 21 minutes 1 = Active bar hang x 10 sec 2 = 6-10 Push ups (paralettes) 3 = 5 heavy steel club goblet squats 8/4kg Performance Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 20 each Russian baby maker x 30 sec Band reverse fly x 15 10 minutes Prep the clean and front squat EMOM x 21 minutes 1 = 3-5 Strict Pull ups 2 = 3-5 Strict ring dips 3 = 5 Front Squats @60% (no rack) Sport Dynamic prep…

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WOD NOTES The workout is alternating movements. Person one = Row and wall balls Person two = burpee box jump The order flips every round Fitness and Performance Teams of 2, 30 minute AMRAP 500 m row 8 burpee box jump/step 12 Wall balls Alternating movements Sport Dynamic prep Wall clock x 6’s Band reverse fly’s x 15 Prayer stretch x 45 sec Empty bar Muscle + power + snatch + BTN push press + drop snatch + sotts press Snatch waves 75-80-85% 80-85-90% 85-90-95% Clean and Jerk waves 75-80-85% 80-85-90% 85-90-95% Front Squats Work up to heavy 2 then… 2 back off sets @85%

WOD NOTES Practice makes perfect. Keep your movement strict and controlled. Fitness EMOM x 30 1 = Single leg superman x 1-2 (5 sec ea) 2 = Mace 360’s x 30 sec 3 = Steel club deep squat x 3-5 (slow) Performance  EMOM x 30 1 = 20 seconds chest facing wall HS hold 2 = Mace 360’s x 30 sec 3 = Bottoms up pistol x 1-3 each Sport EMOM x 30 1 = Strict MU x 1-3 2 = Mace 360’s x 30 sec 3 = Free Stand HS hold x 20 sec
