Monthly Archives: June 2016

WOD NOTES Some hypertrophy training followed by a quick metcon. Dumbbell thrusters are much more challenging than one may think. Fitness 4 sets Landmine row x 10 each DB Chest press x 12 Biceps curl x 10 For time 21-15-9 Burpees Wall balls Performance 4 sets Landmine row x 10 each DB Chest press x 12 Biceps curl x 10 For time 21-15-9 Burpees DB Thrusters 30/25 Sport Dynamic prep Wall clock x 6’s Band reverse fly’s x 12 Perfect stretch x 45 sec Empty bar prep from the knee Muscle snatch + Power snatch + Snatch + Drop snatch 5 sets Block Snatch pull + Block Snatch (above knee) Up to 85% Power clean + power jerk + split jerk AHAP 3 sets GHD hip extensions x 12 One arm DB Row x 10 Band triceps kick back x 12

WOD NOTES Longer MetCon today. Fitness 20 minute AMRAP 5 push ups 20 kettle bell swings 40 walking lunges 60 calorie row Performance 20 minutes AMRAP 5 Strict HSPU 20 KB snatch (10 each) 20 Pistols 60 calorie row Sport Rest Day

WOD NOTES Working some strict gymnastics today. Use a light band for the pull ups as needed. The deep squats should be relaxed and comfortable, if you have good ROM add a dowel for an OHS variation. Record the number of pullups achieved and the number of times you need to break up the hollow and squat. Fitness 3 sets for reps 60 seconds Strict assisted pull ups 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds Hollow hold 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds Deep squat hold 60 seconds Rest Performance 3 sets for reps 60 seconds max strict pull ups 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds Hollow rocks 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds Max HS hold (use wall/spotter if needed) 60 seconds Rest Sport Dynamic prep Indian club circles x 15’s Band chest stretch x 45 sec Russian baby makers x 6 Snatch waves 70-80-85% x doubles 80-85-90% x singles C&J waves 70-80-85% x…

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WOD NOTES Stay low in the sled pulls. Make sure to use both hands equally with each pull. Increasing loads on the sled while still pulling with speed. Fitness 20 minutes Build up to a heavy complex Front Squat + Push press 4 sets Sled pulls Hand over hand Rest 2-3 minutes between sets Performance and Sport 20 minutes Build up to a heavy complex Front Squat + Split Jerk 4 sets Sled pulls Hand over hand Rest 2-3 minutes between sets  
