Sept 22 2016

Sept 22 2016

The slow lowering phases today will require much focus.
Position is key for each rep.

Fitness and Performance

Back Squats
5 sets x 3 reps @70%
(5 second eccentric)

4 sets
RDL x 5 (w/5 sec hold @knee)
Dragon Lunges x 10 reps
Add load if proficient
Rest 2 minutes between sets


Dynamic prep
Prayer stretch x 60 sec
Wrist stretch x 2 minutes
Frogger s 60 sec

4″ Deficit Cleans
5 sets x 1 @75-80%

5 sets x 3 reps @72.5%
w/5 sec eccentric

4 sets
Seated alternating DB shoulder press x 16-20
BB RDL x 5 (5 sec hold at knee)
V sit ups x 12

