
My client demographic seems to be aging,  a majority of my clients are over the age of 50. This age group continues to impress me in many ways: Their work ethic is amazing Their  passion to learn proper technique is impressive Their goals and dreams remain strong This age group has taught me so much about mortality, goal setting, longevity and how to maintain a youthful outlook on life. Most days I feel as though I learn more from my over 50 clients then they learn from me. I would like to share a quick story that impressed me greatly: Today’s workout included a 1 RM deadlift. Before the workout started one of my clients said “I’m gonna deadlift 200 lbs today” …keep in mind that his previous best was 155 lbs for 5 reps with a body weight of 165 lbs at age 64. Let’s say that I was…

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Being a certified TRX trainer means that this question comes up all the time. Total body Resistance eXercise …this is a pretty clear acronym of what the system is designed for: a total body suspension training system. For more information on this functional suspension trainer click TRX.  

Our workout today was  a blend of running and various functional movements. We set out to Alice Lake for a four lakes trail run.  A 6.5 Km trail with various elevation changes though the woods. We decided to stop a few times along the trail to break up the run with some lifts. We manged to sneak in: 10 Overhead squats with a log 10 Push presses with a rock 10 Box jumps with a tree stump …this was a fun little workout, next time we are going to add some pull ups, pushups and maybe even bring out the rings for some muscle ups.

Driving to work this morning, I was listening to CBC  Radio and an interesting interview came on: The interview was with Laurie David.  She was discussing her new book; The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time.  She explained that: family meals lead to children with higher levels of self esteem, lower obesity rates and less alcohol and drug abuse. As the interview continued the interviewer played some interesting public service announcements from the 1950’s describing the perfect family meal time; and it kinda went like this: “Mother and daughter are changing into their evening attire.  It is important for the girls to look refreshed and tidy for Father’s arrival.  Billy is responsible for taking care of Junior…..Once father arrives, He serves Mother and daughter first, then Billy and Junior” Listening to this announcement made me laugh….But it also made me think of…

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