
WOD NOTES Today we retest your pull up challenge progress… If you test up to the next level then continue following the appropriate plan. If you test up and are using a band? Then reduce the band tension and follow the appropriate plan moving forward. Good luck today REBELs. FitnessĀ  10 minutes Re test the pull up challenge Then… 4 sets for times (time cap 4 minutes) 500 m row 50 single under’s 15 Push ups Rest 4 minutes Performance 10 minutes Re test the pull up challenge Then… 4 sets for times (time cap 4 minutes) 500 m row 50 DU 15 HSPU Rest 4 minutes Sport Snatch grip sotts press 3 sets x 5 reps Front Squats Build up to 3 RM Snatch 3 waves 1 = empty bar to 80% doubles 2 = 50% – 90% doubles 3 = 50% – 92.5% doubles

WOD NOTES Work can be divided as needed. But must be performed in the order as written. Fitness and Performance Teams of 3, 5 RFT 750 m row 90 DU 60 KB Swings 45 Box jumps Sport 5 sets 3 position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee) HBBS 1 set x 20 @50% 1 set x 20 @55% 4 sets Incline DB Chest press x 10 Rest 60 seconds DB Triceps overhead press x 8 Rest 60 seconds Band triceps kick back x 12 Rest 60 seconds

WOD NOTES Some Squat work today. FitnessĀ  Back Squats 5-4-3-2-1 Increasing loads on each set Then…. 4 RFT 14 alternating DB Snatch 12 V-ups 10 Calorie Row Performance Back Squats 5 reps @70% 4 reps @75% 3 reps @80% 2 reps @85% 1 rep @90% Then…. 4 RFT 14 DB Single arm OHS 50/35 (7 each) 12 T2B 10 Calorie Assault bike or Ski erg Sport Power Snatch 2-2-1-1-1 + High box jumps 1-1-1-1-1 6 sets 60 seconds Row 30 seconds Rest Record total meters  

WOD NOTES Pulling day…. Increasing loads on the RDL if posture is maintained. Fitness 4 sets BB RDL x 8 reps Rest 60 seconds Renegade rows x 10 (5 each) Rest 60 seconds Banded face pulls x 12 reps Rest 60 seconds EMOM x 10 5 DB Push press (each arm) 5 Burpees Add 1 rep on the burpee each set if possible… Performance 20 minutes Build up to 1 RM Thruster (no rack) EMOM x 10 5 Thrusters 95/65 5 Burpee over bar Add 1 rep on the burpee each set if possible… Sport C&J EMOM x 10 @70% OHS Work up to heavy 3 RM C1) Bench press 5 x 1 C2) Loaded scapular pullups x 3 (3 sec hold) C3) Strict pull ups x ME Perform C2/C3 as a superset
