Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Rebel Summer Challenge is now in its 3rd year. This event is an opportunity for us as a gym to get together and enjoy a fun day full of activities, food and socializing. The workouts are designed for all levels of fitness and FUN is the name of the game. The teams have been drawn and will be posted in the gym this week. If you are interested but haven’t signed up yet? Just talk to your trainer and they can add you to the list. STAY TUNED FOR A FEW MORE HINTS ON THE WODS 😉 FORMAT: Teams of 3 athletes, complete 4 events. Movements & loading is based on your training level. DAY: Saturday June 6th TIME: 9 am – 3 pm COST: $30 per person SCHEDULE FOR THE DAY: 9 am Check in and warm up 9:30 am – 10 am Team AMRAP, alternating work 10:30…

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WOD NOTES: Each athlete will complete their station, but will only transition after the runner returns. Dead lift loading is 185/135 F/P and 135/95 F Teams of 3, 30 minute AMRAP Station 1 = 10 Box jumps 5 Russian swings Station 2 = 10 Dead lifts 5 Burpee over bar Station 3 = 250 m run w/sand bag

WOD NOTES: Front squats will have a 3 seconds pause @the bottom and no bounce allowed today. Fitness Pause Front Squats 5 x 2 @75% For time 10-8-6-4-2 Bench press @1/2 BW Between each set = 400 m row Performance and Sport Pause Front Squats 5 x 2 @80% For time: 10-8-6-4-2 Floor press @85% UB CTB strict pull ups ***If you break up the strict pullups = 50 DU

WOD NOTES: Power cleans today. We will spend 1/2 the class building on some technique. Then a quick EMOM for each level. Our Fitness level is going with a heavy KB (think +1 over your regular training) Performance level will stick with a moderate loading on the barbell and our Sport group will use loading similar to the Open this year. Fitness 20 minutes: Power clean technique work EMOM x 10 6 Heavy russian swings 5 jumping air squats Performance 20 minutes: Power clean technique work EMOM x 10 3 power cleans 5 jumping air squats Sport 20 minutes Build up to today’s heavy Snatch EMOM x 10 3 power cleans 185/120 5 jumping air squats
