Aug 25 2015

Aug 25 2015

We continue with our August complex and drop sets.
This will be a mix of pushing and pulling.
The sled pull will be a great test of grip strength.

Fitness and Performance

15 minutes
Establish 1 RM Push press

2 Push press @90% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand)
3 Push press @80% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand)
5 Push press @70% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand)
8 Push press @60% + 1 sled pull (hand over hand)
Rest 2-3 minutes between efforts


For time:
800 m run
25 Sand bag ground-to-shoulder 100/70
25 Box jump overs
25 CTB
50 Wall balls 20/14
25 CTB
25 Box jump overs
25 Sand bag ground-to-shoulder 100/70

