Category Archives: WOD

Level 1 and 2 Strength/Speed 5 sets of: Drop Snatch x 3 Between sets work on hip/shoulder mobility Conditioning: 3 rounds for time 6 HSPU 9 Snatch 12 Burpees (sorry about 2 days of burpees but this is prep for saturday) Fundamentals Strength: 3 sets of Dead lifts x 6-8 reps Rest 45 seconds Russian twist x 12 + Toe reach x 12 Conditioning 3 rounds for time 250 m row 15 wall balls

All levels Strength: 15 minutes work up to a heavy 1 RMSquat clean Conditioning: 21-15-9 KB swings Burpees Level 1: 24/16  Level 2: 16/12 Fundamentals 12/8

Level 1 and 2 Strength 4 sets of Shoulder press x 5 45 seconds rest 20 Hollow rocks Conditioning 10 power cleans 20 push ups 30 air squats 40 ab mat sit ups 500 m row 40 ab mat sit ups 30 air squats 20 push ups 10 power cleans Fundamentals Strength Shoulder press x 6-8 reps Rest 45 seconds Hold plank x 45 seconds Conditioning 10 med ball cleans 15 push ups 20 air squats 25 sit ups 300 m row 25 sit ups 20 air squats 15 push ups 10 med ball cleans

Level 2 Skill/Strength: 15 minutes practice the Overhead Squats(sets of 3, perfect form) Conditioning: 5 rounds for time 20 Wall ball 20#/14# (10-9 target) 20 Box jumps 24″/20″ 50  Double under’s Level 1 Conditioning 4 rounds for time 20 wall balls 20#/14# (9-8 target) 20 walking lunges with ball 100 single revolutions (5 DU per set of 100 singles) Fundamentals Conditioning 3 rounds for times 20 wall balls 14#/10# 20 walking lunges 100 single revolutions Rest 60 seconds between rounds
