CrossFit Gym Tour – Seattle

CrossFit Gym Tour – Seattle

This weekend we had a family thanks giving trip to Seattle.  Between grocery shopping, roasting vegetables and carving turkey we tried to fit in some workouts.

While visiting Seattle we had the opportunity to drop in to the first CrossFit affiliate: Level 4, CrossFit Seattle.  The gym is a large warehouse space but you never feel lost or over-looked.  The skilled coaching made us feel comfortable and safe at all times.

CrossFit Seattle runs classes in various formats, THESE GUYS HAVE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!

Level 1:  General class. Learn fundamental techniques and good form.  Level 2: More advanced programming and must pass the level 1 testing from CrossFit Seattle.
Basic Barbell: Covers the deadlift, squat and press.  Beginners get in-depth help with fundamental techniques and proper form.  Experienced lifters will learn and practice advanced techniques.
O Lifting: Detailed instruction on the snatch and the clean & jerk. This class is for beginners to experienced lifters.
Mobility/movement: The classes are focused on range of motion, mobility and efficiency of movement.

Kelly and I dropped in during a Level 1 class.  The group participated in a fun warm up that included kettle bell work, planks, arm circles, push ups, pull ups and various lunges.

The workout was:
5-5-5-5-5 Deadlifts

10 minute AMRAP
10 russian kettle bell swings
1 kb clean right hand then…
hold the kb in the rack position and walk 200 feet to the pull up bar, drop the kb
10 toes to bar or knees to elbow
1 kb clean left hand then…
hold the kb in the rack position and walk 200 feet to the start and repeat.This workout was focused on controlled movements and having a good time….I think I was smiling all the way through this one :)Thanks for the awesome hospitality Scott.

Me with Coach Scott Takenaga

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